Safely grown, safely sourced, safely prepared

To us, there is nothing more important than ensuring our food is safe and ethically sourced. We understand that – following the global pandemic – how consumers perceive safe food, how it’s grown, sourced, handled and prepared will drive changes that will last forever.

The Menu Partners prides itself on being a leader in food quality, traceability, provenance and environmental issues. Our experienced, dedicated Technical Team have a rigid audit process which includes regular visits and supplier checks to ensure our high standards are being met. This is all underpinned by ethical procurement and the safest food and controls:

Our Accreditation;

Our logistical facilities are BRC certified, to AA standard;

Our 2 chef led kitchens in Bicester are SALSA accredited, whilst in our large-scale food production kitchen we are currently working to BRC guidelines as we await our accreditation.

Historic health scares have demonstrated that traceability is essential to the food industry. The Menu Partners will provide full traceability for all produce items.

The safest food – it’s in all of our interests.



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General enquiries:
+44 (0)20 7720 7755